Applications Overview

  • Specialized in high solid, high density, and high viscosity applications

  • Used for both wastewater treatment and manufacturing processes

  • adapt various types of membranes (MF, UF, NF)

FMX is a new anti-fouling membrane system based on the simple, yet innovative concept of using vortices to prevent fouling of the membrane for high density, high viscosity, and high solid applications.

FMX has been used for wastewater treatment, separation and dewatering in manufacturing processes and recovery (reuse, recycle) applications in various industries, such as digestate & livestock waste, food & beverage, biotech, chemical, mining, and oil & energy.

BKT does not manufacture membranes; instead, BKT adapt various types of membranes (MF, UF, and NF) to be used in FMX. 

Now we are working with many global industry leaders such as DuPont, CJ, Samsung, LG, PepsiCo, Nestle, Duke Energy, EPRI, SRI, and Nalco-Ecolab, to name a few.

Wastewater Treatment

Due to the presence of serious toxic contaminants and potentially hazardous materials, industrial wastewater is among the most difficult to treat for discharge or reuse. Nevertheless, as water becomes an increasingly scarce resource worldwide, both financial and environmental concerns have prompted escalating demand for water conservation. Fortunately, FMX’s ability to effectively treat high-solids waste streams allow for reuse of challenging industrial wastewater streams, providing a sustainable solution that simultaneously reduces hauling costs and disposal expense. Many waste streams that result from conventional filtration processes still contain valuable components that are difficult to retrieve. Don’t throw away what could become a lucrative source of additional revenue--FMX can help! Nutrients, precious metals, oils, chemicals, and even beer are among the resources that we have been able to recover from former waste streams. More recovery means more profit. Less waste means less cost. Either way, you win.

Manufacturing Process

While more concentration delivers higher value in many chemical or biochemical processes, a tremendous amount of energy is normally required to improve recovery rates from the filtration of high-solids waste streams. By reliably handling higher concentrations while minimizing clogging or fouling issues, FMX can not only facilitate higher concentration in production but also simplify the process train, making it less energy-intensive and less water-intensive.

Research & Development

FMX B (Bench-Scale Series) is optimized for laboratory use in chemical and biotech industries. With FMX B, researchers can focus on their own goals without concerns for separation and filtration issues. As the only membrane system that can handle feeds up to TS 27%, FMX is the new industry standard.

Sector Product Process Client Model Date
Chemical WW Methyl Cellulose Methyl Cellulose Concentration Samsung F.C. S-100 2005.07-2014.07
Chemical MP Silica Colloidal Silica Concentration Nalco S-100 2015.08
Chemical MP Chemical Process Chemical Process R&D Hercules(USA) B 2012.08
Chemical MP Water Reuse Optical Film Production LG Chem P(2) 2017.09 2017.11
Biotech MP 2,3-BDO 2,3-BDO Separation/Concentration GS-Caltex E(MF) E(UF) 2015.06 2017.05
Biotech MP Micro Algae Micro Algae Separation/Concentration KAIST B / B5 2011.07 2016.03
Biotech MP Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine R&D Nanjing UTCM B 2010.05
Biotech MP Antibiotics Antibiotics R&D Dongkook Pharma B5 2017.10
Biotech MP Natural Extract Natural Extract Purification Process Dongkook Pharma E20(1) 2018.03
Biotech MP Muconic Acid Biorefinery R&D STR-Biotech B5 2017.10
Biotech MP PDO PDO Separation/Concentration Activon P 2017.11
Biotech MP Amino Acid L-Methionine Concentration(DF) CJ-Bio Malaysia S-100 2013.07
Biotech MP Probiotics Probiotics Separation/Concentration Bifido E / P40 2015.04
Biotech MP Enzyme Enzyme Separation/Concentration Sung-Un Bio E 2015.03
Biotech MP β-Glucan β-Glucan Separation/Concentration Sun-Il Bio E 2016.03
Biotech MP Cell Separation Cell Separation- Bio R&D CJ R&D Center B5(1) 2018.03
Biotech MP/UF Functional Sugars Protein Separation/Concentration Chebigen B5(1) 2018.03
Livestock WW Liquid Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer Production Bo-Eun LWW S-20 2009.02
Livestock WW Liquid Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer Production Cheon-An LWW S-30 2010.02
Livestock WW Liquid Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer Production Yeoung-Cheon LWW S-70 2011.05
Livestock WW Liquid Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer Production Dang-Jin LWW S-60 2011.01
Livestock WW Liquid Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer Production Hwa-Sung LWW S-40 2012.08
Digestate Biogas Digestate Liquid/Solid Separation t'Haantje(Netherland) S-80 2009.08
Digestate Biogas Digestate Liquid/Solid Separation Cleanworld E5 2016.03
Energy & Mining WW Produced Water Produced Water Reuse Fortress S-20 2015.12
FGD WW FGD FGD Wastewater Treatment AEP P-10 2015.03
R & D WW WWT R & D Tongji University (China) B 2014.05
R & D WW WWT R & D Hoseo University (Korea) B 2012.02
R & D WW WWT WWT ASIO(Czecho) P 2009.04

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