DIGESTATE Applications
Digestate is difficult to treat biologically due to its low BOD and high non-biodegradable COD, and unbalanced C/N ratio. Its high solid and viscosity characteristics also renders conventional technologies, such as DAF, RO, evaporator, etc., infeasible.
Anaerobic digestion has been a popular method to treat organic wastes, such as manures from dairy and hog farms, waste from food processors and rendering plants, etc. During the digestion, biogas is produces and can be used for heat sources and/or electricity generation. The leftover digestate is still rich in nitrogens and phosphorus, therefore, it’s often land-applied in the field as fertilizer in the past.
Recent regulations have restricted land applications as accumulated nutrients in the soil have been linked to surface and ground water contaminations. There is continuing effort to find a new treatment technology which can help biogas plants to recover nutrients while meeting regulations.
FMX, an anti-fouling membrane filtration technology, is specifically designed to handle high solid, high density, and high viscosity of anaerobic digester effluent.
Coupled with conventional RO system, FMX can provide two benefits
Nutrient Recovery
Digestate contains abundant amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, so a fouling-preventive membrane filtration system like FMX an ideal solution for recovering nutrients effectively and efficiently.
Biogas Production
Increase biogas production by up to 25% by diverting rejected undigested organic solids to your anaerobic digesters.